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Sinéad Griffin

21 Feb 2019 . category: events . Comments

CM@B Speaker Series

Sinéad Griffin:

Time: 4-5pm

290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building

Sinéad Griffin is the newest staff scientist at the Materials Science Division and the Molecular Foundry at Berkeley Lab. Sinéad has contributed several insights into the connections between high-energy physics and condensed matter theory, winning the Swiss Physical’s Society’s ABB Prize in 2017 for her work on testing cosmic strings in multiferroics. Since 2010 she has been involved in ASESMA, the African School on Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications (asesma.org) which has brought her to South Africa, Kenya, Sudan and Ghana to teach and collaborate with scientists from throughout Africa on cutting-edge problems in condensed-matter physics.


Computational Materials at Berkeley is a Registered Student Organization of UC Berkeley.